Why Reading Fiction matters

Reading fiction is like exploring the inner world– The time, the situations, the characters’ mindset, their upbringing, and their degree of awareness. In short A story is being told. We readers visit the world.

Just let the book speak to you, if it speak, then it’s worth the precious time. So don’t just gulp it down in one go, savour it, chew it, taste with slow patience and mindfulness. Let the flavour absorb your consciousness, awakening your soul, enlighten the mind that you can tap into yours unconscious territory, can witness the glimpse of your past or present or future self.

Like travelling refreshes us and gives us the opportunity to meet new people and new culture. Reading any book is like travelling. We readers get the opportunity to explore a fictional world yet it is made up with human emotions and feelings.Reading Fiction is like witnessing life with its naked form. It calms our energy level and makes us to think deeply in a compassionate way.

What is your favourite fictions? Let me share my three favourite fictions.

1.Swami and Friends by R.K Naryan. Reading it feels like tasting sweet and tangy taste of tamarind as a child. If you want to revisit your childhood then go for it and it will make you nostalgic and your heart just smiles for little Swami and his little adventures with his friends– Mani, Rajam, Samuel aka The Pea, Somu and Sankar.

2.The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy.

If you want to explore the real Indian mindset, the some major section of caste and class conscious Indian, then go for it. It opens up the small world of Ammu, Rahel and Estha and Velutha and Baby Kochamma. It is so powerful the characters sort of haunt you, As the writer Arundhati Roy herself says the characters of The God of Small Things still visit her.

3. The Guide by R.K Naryan

The story of the self proclaimed Guide Raju, how his choices “makes”his life then “breaks” his life, its comical yet tragical. Full of satire and ironies of life. From a perspective of a people pleaser Raju tells his ironical life in a comic way. As a reader you will feel both the empathy and anger for Raju, you will witness and explore the rural ies Indian mentality, their life’s major decisions depending on gurus and swamis, the life’s key is given to the swami, but here reverse could happen, the life of swami aka Raju slowly becomes ”a messiah ” or ”a self sabotager” of life and is not life itself an oxymoron.

Take some time out and read some fictions, and it’s much better than gossip or social media scrolling. It can be enlightening like the sunrise and the sunset. So let’s reset our minds with the energy of fictions!



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